Friday, March 29, 2013

a guest post at moorea-seal

good morning!

i'm so very excited to share with you all that i am currently featured as a guest blogger for, one of my favorite blogs of all time.

when Moorea asked me if i would be interested in creating a guest post for her blog i was absolutely thrilled. i'm such a fan of her blog and her etsy shop (she makes amazing jewelry!) and of Moorea herself. she is the kind of woman that really knows who she is and isn't afraid to be just that. she is beautiful, inspiring, kind, generous, creative and talented. and seriously so much more.

i'm so pleased to be sharing about our new home at her blog and i'd love it if you could all stop by and check it out, even say hello. and if you are not already following M O O R E A S E A L, you should be!

have a happy friday!


my post // moorea seal blog & shop

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