Saturday, July 25, 2009

Elvis, Fireworks and The Dodgers

Last night David and I went to the Dodgers game, which turned out to be a really good game, even though we unfortunately lost. What made it even better was that it was Elvis night and firework night. We enjoyed the beautiful desert sky, screaming at the field, munching on peanuts, the Elvis hits and videos and the firework show on the field perfectly timed to the Elvis tunes. It was a pretty fantastic night. 

Now, anyone who knows me knows that I am most definitely NOT a sports fan, but since David and I have been together, I've slowly given into the Dodgers and every chance we get to go to a game, we try to take it. I don't think I'll ever get used to watching baseball on TV, but being in the stadium with all those rowdy fans and my baby really makes me happy.  We always have the best time and last night was definitely no exception.

I'm also pretty into Elvis. My brother has always been a HUGE fan, and I always thought I'd just borrow his albums to add to my iTunes, but I never have, which bums me out, but I'll just take David's collection. I've always been pretty fascinated by Priscilla, her beauty and her relationship with Elvis. Being married to a legend must have been incredibly strange...

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