Monday, September 5, 2011

Dub Dub Weigh In

{Week Eighteen}

-0.6 lb
Change since week one: - 1 lb
Change since 2006: - 31 lbs


After weeks of gaining and failure, it's my second straight week of loss.
After that summer vacation to Europe that caused my 5 pound weight gain, and then that other vacation to the East Coast, combined with my weight training (Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred), which led to another 5 pound weight gain, I am finally back on track to losing the weight that I had lost in the Springtime but quickly gained back over the Summer.

You can see here how over the last 11 weeks or so I had successfully made my way down to 150.8, then immediately went on vacation and those pounds creeped back on. It's annoying to look at, but at least I didn't give up and now I'm on my way to losing it again.

I just want to get these pounds off so I can focus again on losing the next ten pounds...
and then hopefully another ten pounds.

I honestly thought that I would either have a gain or a maintain this week. Not necessarily because I had a bad week, because I didn't, but because the night before my weigh in I went a little over board with the BBQ chips, haha. But I still lost! It must've been a better week than I thought.

So wish me luck this week!


Katy said...

YAY!!!! way to go! ;-)

Caitlin said...

Congratulations lady! Very happy for you. :)

Unknown said...

thank you!! xo

grey rose (they/them) said...

rock on! i know it's encouraging to have another losing week! ;)

Kasey Lynne said...

Woop woop!!