Monday, February 14, 2011

love day

I've always had a love/hate relationship with Valentine's Day. I've never had a good one, until I met my husband.

I don't tell him enough and I'm sure I don't show him enough, but I love him so much. He's the best thing that ever happened to me and I thank God for him everyday. He's the love of my life, my best friend and my home.

I don't know what is in store for the day except for dinner reservations tonight. I don't know where and that's exciting. I also woke up to these:

I'm looking forward to what this day might hold (even though I have to go to a meeting from 3-5 and won't see David until tonight), from what I know already, it should be a lovely day.

Also, I'd like to mention that today Lauren from Busy Bee Lauren published a "Love around the world" Valentine's Day post of pictures of people and their loved ones around the country (and the world!) and I made the cut!

To check out all the other photos and little messages, go to her post here. You can also click on the photos to go to each individual blog, which is wonderful, I think. 

(Correction: While I thought you could click on the photos to go to each individual's blog, you can't. I'm sorry!)

So Happy Valentine's Day to all of you out there and I hope you're day is fun/romantic/fantastic <3


Diana Smith said...

This post made me all warm inside!! I love the pictures you put up too! You are such a gorgeous bride! Seriously every picture you put up, Im like I wanna be a brunette haha

Chanell said...

Make sure the kitty doesn't reach the flowers.. tulips are poisonous to cats!

Unknown said...

Diana: you are so incredibly sweet. thank you so much for your lovely comments!

Chanell: When I read your comment I immediately freaked out and called Dave to make sure he'd move them out of Bogart's reach (actually to move it in another room and SHUT the door!) Thank you for letting me know!