Saturday, April 30, 2011

Savanna's Prom

Last night was my niece, Savanna's, prom so Dave and I went over to my mom's house to take pictures and see her off. She looked absolutely gorgeous. Her hair was stunning, her makeup so age appropriate and pretty and the dress looked so beautiful on her.

I just can't believe how grown up she is!

Anyway, here are some photos from last night.


Kasey Lynne said...

She is GORGEOUS! i love that dress on her. Stunning.

That's another thing(out of a total of 3) that I miss about high school. Getting those few occasions of dressing up and playing princess for a day.Love that!

LittleGreenThread said...

Such a beautiful girl! The color of her dress was just perfect for her!
My "little" brother (he's 17, but will always be little to me) is going to the prom this year. It seems so weird that he's old enough for prom. I'll be a mess when it's my own kids! :)

Liesl said...

Beautiful, just beautiful and a lovely dress and color!

Liesl :)

Monique said...

Your niece is gorgeous! I love that her and her date coordinated! I went over to my family's house to see my niece off last sweet she's all grown up!

Diana Smith said...

THat is crazy you have a niece old enough to go to prom haha my little sister is that age, but yeah she is so beautiful!

Anonymous said...

She is stunning!! How did it go?
Oh to be that age again....getting old!
xx Stacey

Anonymous said...

This comment is like a week late (and has nothing to do with your post) but heck yes I love Leslie Hall. ;)

♥ CheChe said...

her smile is so contagious! I have always wanted a big beautiful smile like hers! ANd that color. Can I just say that tan and darkness go hand in hand with that color. haha Love the post!


mandyface said...

I know how you feel! My sister just went to prom too! They grow up so fast lol! Your sis looks so lovely! But of course, loveliness runs in your fam ;)

Unknown said...

@Mandy, aww you are TOO SWEET!! <3

Unknown said...

Thanks everyone for all of the sweet comments about my niece! I will definitely pass on the love :-D