Saturday, July 23, 2011

unintentional blog strike

So as most of you know I went on a little vacay recently and haven't really caught up to the blog world since. I've really been just too lazy and just can't get back into the groove for some reason. I hope that will end soon, 'cause I really do miss my daily reads and all of my blog friends!

I'm just going to do a small little update on what's been going on lately.

So to reveal to you all where I've been hopping around the world, here goes:

1. Paris, France

2. Austria

3. Switzerland

4. London, England

I'll have to edit all of the gorgeous photos that David and I took while we were there and do a proper post on this awesome trip we had at a later time. David was in Paris for business for almost two weeks before I flew out to meet him the day after The Hiding Place closed, then we hopped on over to Austria and Switzerland and finished the trip off in London. It was beautiful. I've never seen Austria or Switzerland so seeing it for the first time was fabulous. I loved it.

As soon as we got back I was hit with a giant wave of exhaustion. I really was on-the-go non-stop since rehearsals for The Hiding Place started and then jumped right into a 2 week vacation so I was drained, emotionally and physically. So I was a ball of laziness for a few days, then I got this gnarly monster of a cold (which I thought was strep throat AGAIN) and it hasn't left me since. We've been home for almost two weeks and I'm still sick. It's crazy. AND we're leaving for New York, Connecticut and Long Island on Wednesday and will be gone for a week (never been to Connecticut or Long Island). I'm going to need to get back into a routine when we come back home 'cause I am all over the place still. I still haven't even unpacked from Europe! Insane.

While I was gone on my trip I read four books. I've never read that much while traveling. We had quite a bit of down time during airports, flights, not very scenic drives and laying out by Lake Lucerne in Switzerland so I burned through the Uglies, Pretties, Specials series and a book called Thirteen Reasons Why. Those books were so awesome I think I need to devote an entire post to discuss them. I started reading The Maze Runner series, but I'm having trouble getting into them because I can't stop thinking about the previous books I read. I'm sure the obsession will kick in though. Especially when I'm sitting in airports, flying and driving. We'll see.

I've been doing a TON of re-organizing and cleaning of our kitchen lately and I am SO pleased with the process. When I'm at home I get kind of stir crazy and have to have projects to devote myself to or I either spend WAY too much time online or I go nuts. Here are some of the results of the kitchen labor.

I totally forgot to get "before"s of the fridge and cupboards, wah wah :(
It took me literally FIVE hours to clean and re-organize the fridge. It was gross dirty. I literally took apart the whole fridge piece by piece and hand washed EVERYTHING. I was spent after that.

Then last night we made our way to Bolsa Chica beach to celebrate Chris Darjany's 30th Birthday. It was awesome. I had too many s'mores, but they were delish. I just hope it didn't blow my weigh in at Dub Dub tomorrow! Great times with great friends, though!

So I hope to be back in the blog groove for the next few days before we head out to the east coast and I hope you all understand my lack of comments on your blogs! :(


Anonymous said...

I want to be you for a day.

grey rose (they/them) said...

stunning view of your travels. wow.
i think the pic of your shadows in the sand is my fave:)