Monday, March 7, 2011

Back to the daily grind

So the past two weekends have been BANANAS.

So much so that I haven't even been able to post about last weekend in San Diego and I haven't been able to keep updated on all of your awesome blog posts (sad day). Soooo, once I have my photos from the past few days uploaded/edited and as soon as my errands for the day have been finished, I'm gonna do a double weekend post (with way too many photos I'm sure, so look out!).

I'm just gonna say that this past weekend was awesome. Our Fusion couple's retreat was so relaxing and fun. I took a few photos, but one that probably encompasses the trip the most is probably this one:

Laying around by the pool, watching the guys and Lauren play volleyball, enjoying the weather and a good book, working out with and helping Lauren cook, getting to know our Fusion friends better and growing closer with David. It was such a blast with awesome friends and fellowship, but I'm relieved to be back at home and back to my normal schedule/diet/routine.

Hopefully I can get all my errands and to do list settled so I can update you all on these past two amazing weekends. I hope you all had a great weekend, too!


Diana Smith said...

What a nice little weekend! Laying by the pool sounds amazing!!

Unknown said...

Your blog is beautiful :)

Unknown said...

Diana: It was!! I had so much fun. Ahhhhh...

Jaimie: Thanks so much!!

danielle @ take heart said...

jealous of that weekend!

Rachel said...

ahhh - would love a nice, relaxing weekend like that! sounds absolutely wonderful. good luck with your errands and to-do lists.

Victoria said...

Oh man a couples weekend sounds awesome. I feel like those are the type of thing that only exists in movies and books... I'm kind of excite that real people go on them! I am pretty sure I need to do that sometime. Can't wait to hear more about it!

I mean, any retreat sounds nice right now... but a couples one? yes please.

Bonnie said...

Sounds awesome! I can't wait for sunshine and swimming. I just want to hop into that picture and cannonball into the pool:-) xoxo

Unknown said...

All of these comments made me realize how lucky I am that Dave and I were able to take that weekend. Thanks so much for reminding me ladies!!

Danielle: Ahhh, I HIGHLY recommend it!

Rachel: Thanks so much! The to-do lists are overwhelming. I feel like I can't really get too much done :( but thank you again!

Victoria: Ahahahaa! I know right? It seems fake, doesn't it? So funny. It was awesome, though. I highly recommend going if you ever get the chance!

Bonnie: Hahaha! I should of thought of cannonballing in that pool!