Monday, August 29, 2011

Dub Dub Weigh In

{Week Seventeen}


I mean really, FINALLY.

What's so funny is that when I walked into the meeting I didn't even care. I had a horrible weekend for various reasons and I think deep down I just forced myself not to care and to expect a gain this week because it would have just sent me over the edge if I cared and gained. 

I definitely expected a gain or to stay the same, just because it really seemed like no matter how hard I tried, my weight did not want to budge.

This week I ate more and exercised a whole lot less. I only did Jillian's SHRED and skipped Zumba all together. I ate ALL of my extra weekly points allowance (I've never done that intentionally) and I even ate some of my earned activity points.

My body must have just thought it was in starvation mode, therefore storing up calories causing me to gain the last few weeks, but not this week... HA!

I want to thank everyone for all of the support that I received, whether it be through comments or emails or face to face. It really meant a lot to me that I was being supported and cheered on by friends. This recent 10 lb weight gain has been frustrating to say the least and it's so disheartening to me that I lost it only a few short months ago just to gain it immediately back. Thanks a ton, travels!

But I need to get over it.
I need to start over.
I need to keep moving forward.
And as always, learn from my mistakes.

Thanks everyone and wish me luck this week!



Katy said...

YAY!!!! Good for you! way to go girl! ;-)

Megan and Justin said...

yaya congrats! the whole gaining thing is frustrating (+ i would know ha) but don't give up:)+ it will be worth it!

Kasey Lynne said...

good job girl! keep it up!