Monday, August 19, 2013

hi there.

it's been a while.

for the last few weeks i have thought about what i could say to explain it, but there's nothing better than the truth.

some months back i started to become pretty disappointed and disillusioned by the whole blogging thing. i was finding myself being caught up in this weird subculture without even trying to. i didn't like a lot of what i witnessed and i didn't want to become something or someone i am not. so i subconsciously backed off from publishing anything even though i did have a lot on my mind and a lot going on in my life.

it pretty much just boils down to the fact that my stomach would turn thinking about the crazy things some bloggers do to become famous and it kind of made me sad, and even a little bit angry. i didn't want to feel like i had to compete in this strange world of bloggers or try to come up with some kind of schtick to become "blog famous" - all of which i did not want. when i started my blog, that was never the goal. it's still not the goal. of course it would be nice to have more followers, but it's not the end all-be all.

i will admit that with putting myself and my life out there and getting positive response from others, "likes" on my instagram photos, and getting more followers can give one a sense of validation and boost one's self-esteem... but my value does not come from what the outside world thinks of me and i don't ever want it to. don't get me wrong, i love that i have met some really great people through blogging and i've made awesome connections. i value anyone who reads and follows my blog and any other social media i am connected to. and it's funny because i really don't know why there are even a few people out there interested in my boring, but happy little life, but i appreciate anyone who is (with good intentions).

even so i was still totally put off by a lot of things i was noticing and i think that i just didn't want to be a part of it. i kept telling myself that i was too busy to blog, which is partly true. i'm working a lot more now than i was the last time i was here, and our home renovations really did take up a lot of time and energy (more on that later, hopefully). when i get home from work all i want to do is sit on the couch and watch Chopped or Project Runway or read a book.

but in the past few weeks i started to go back to my favorite blogs and i noticed that some of them were blogging again, or continuing to, and i asked myself why they were my favorites. what is it about these particular blogs that inspire me and give me hope for this blog world?

here's what i came up with: they are all genuine and authentic people who don't try to hide behind an image or push their dogma or get on their soapbox. they just exist, document the good and the bad and are honest about it all without making a big fuss over it. there is a simplicity to their blogs that is very appealing and elegant and truthful.

i love those blogs because they are beautiful. and inspiring. and encouraging.

i just want to be my most authentic self. that doesn't mean i have to spill my guts and air my dirty laundry out for you all, but it also doesn't mean that i need to try to fabricate and project a false image of myself. one that always has it all perfectly put together. there's nothing more transparent, to me, than someone who pretends that their life is perfect. i just don't want to become like that. and i want my blog to be a small part of who i am, not all of who i am. my self-worth isn't measured in comments and "likes" and page views.

so, having said all of that, i am going to let myself continue to be inspired by my favorite blogs and try to keep mine simple and truthful. and i'm going to try to blog more often, i really am. but if i don't it probably means that i'm just living my life and enjoying it. i just hope that i can find the time to share it with you. thanks for sticking with me.


my favorite blogs // katie's pencil box | mooreaseal | flowerchild dwelling | eat sleep cuddle | wild haven knits


grey rose (they/them) said...

so good, andrea.
i have always loved it here, and appreciated your style and heart. you are the real deal, and you do "just exist" very well.

love ya, girl! XO

kelly ann said...

First of all, oh my goodness. I am so honored to be part of this post. It actually brought tears to my eyes, because at the end of the day, I just want to be genuine. I would never want anyone to think I was fake, or trying too hard, or feel bad because it looks like I "have it all together". It's blogs like those that leave such an icky feeling throughout the community and can really hurt hearts. I would never want to be one of those people. I just want to be me. Honest. Real. Weird. Happy. Sad. Accepting and loving. Me. So, this is seriously the biggest compliment, and I so appreciate your beautiful heart. Thank you for seeing me.

One of the best things I did was step away from blogland and breathe. I just saw so much toxic energy throughout the community and I wanted nothing to do with it. So from the end of last year until this past spring, I took off. And now, I see blogging and the community behind it in a whole new light. I only focus on the beautiful souls I've formed relationships with, or who have inspired me in some way, and I only read a small handful of blogs 1-2 times a week. (instead of everyday) It's like my treat during the week, instead of feeling like, "Oh god I have a million posts to catch up on!" Know what I mean? It felt like a chore, and that's not how it should be.

I faced the toxic parts of the community, the toxic people, the toxic words, the toxic behavior. I said a prayer that a healing would begin in that part of blogland. And then I let it all go. Released it. It's gone.

And it's been SO nice. Like really, really wonderful and motivating and inspiring. I see that you're in the same mindset of letting go and focusing on the beauty, and girl... I so encourage it. It will refresh you. It really will. Just continue keeping your eyes on what lifts you up and fills your heart, and the rest will start to fade.

You are kind and authentic and true.
Big hugs, friend. xo.

kELLY said...

glad you're back!

Roots and Feathers said...

couldn't agree with this more! xo

Katie said...

andrea, I always enjoy reading your posts and what you have to say. I get why you kind of escaped the blog world. I wish I had the ability to step away from it all because this community of bloggers, as wonderful as it is, gets me down and takes over my life more times than not. always a reader, whenever you choose to post, no matter what it may be. I'm glad you are back but if you choose to stop again, I totally get it.

Em O said...

I'm so glad you're back. I've always loved that your blog is simple, genuine and so lovely. I can attest to pulling back from blogging because I felt myself wanting to be someone I'm not... and I don't like that feeling. I have too many things happening in my present life to stress over if I've portrayed myself in the perfect, rose-tinted way online.

erin m. said...

glad you're back, friend. :)

Contemplating Beauty said...

I can not tell you how glad and relieved I am that you wrote this. I could have wrote it myself. It's one of the main reasons I haven't blogges as much lately. I see the "ugly" parts of it and it makes me ill. It's not the world our Father wants us wrapped up in. And it's too much attention to ones self, which I need to be careful with too. It's just a slippery slope. Thank you for sharing!!! You are the voice of many I am sure. And I haven't heard of any of your favorite blogs, so I'm looking forward to checking them out. I've always appreciated your lovely space.
